Innoesthetics Veneers

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Veneers Durability – How long do veneers last?

Unfortunately, not everyone is born with a natural and beautiful smile. The wafer-thin veneers, better known as veneers, ensure the desired dream smile for everyone. But how long do veneers actually last? Especially because veneers often have a high price, you should be able to assume that they will last a long time, right?

In this article you will learn everything you need to know about the durability of veneers.

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Veneers durability

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Long durability of veneers is the reason why they are so popular with consumers. Although they often last for different lengths of time, one thing is certain: they are not infinitely durable.

Typically, they last between 10 and 20 years. But it’s not quite that simple with the lifespan of veneers. There are many factors that influence the length of life. In the following table you can see which types of veneers last the longest. The durability depends on the material of the veneers. In addition, the thickness of the veneers is important. The thinner the discs, the less durable they are.

If you want to learn more about the different veneers, feel free to check out our article “Veneers – All about the natural smile” or watch this video.

Veneers types

Name Material Thickness Durability
Non-Prep Veneers (also called Lumineers) Ceramic 0,3 – 0,6mm thick 5-10 years:Due to the thinness of the veneers, discoloration occurs more quickly and light can shine through.
Veneers-to-Go Ceramic or plastic-ceramic mixture 0,5 – 1mm thick 10 years:They are fitted directly on site by the dentist and not in the laboratory and may therefore have slight variations.
Classic (conventional) ceramic veneers Ceramic 0,8 – 1mm thick 10-20 years:The adjustment in the laboratory and the stable material give the classic veneers the longest life of all veneers.
Porcelain Veneers Porcelain Ca. 1mm 10-15 years: Although porcelain can be used well as a veneer material, it is more fragile compared to conventional ceramic veneers.
Haltbarkeit Veneers

How do you make veneers last longer?

Nothing lasts forever and even the perfect veneers have an expiration date despite the cost you have invested. They are an efficient and long-lasting method of making teeth more beautiful, but sooner or later they will have to be replaced. The question is, what is the best way to extend the durability of veneers?

All statements about how long the veneers will last always assume that they are immaculately maintained. Accordingly, it is not only the manufacturing, type and material of the veneers that is crucial, but how they are treated is as important. Someone who never goes for checkups or does not take care of reasonable dental hygiene cannot assume that the veneers will last for 20 years.

Factors to maximize durability

If you take all of these factors into consideration, you should be able to maximize the durability of your veneers:

Dr. Kiziler

“To ensure the value and quality of the veneers over a long period of time, the dentist should be visited regularly.”

Muhammed Ferit Kiziler, Dentist, Founder of Inno-Esthetics & Specialist for veneers in Bochum, Germany

Scientific study on durability

The University of Innsbruck has published an award-winning study on the durability of veneers. It was awarded by the Ceramics-AG.

Dr. Ulrike Beier examined ceramic veneers and made the following conclusions:

  • In the first 10 years, the likelihood of the veneers lasting is 93.5 percent.
  • After 20 years, the harmlessness of the veneers is 82.93 percent.

If all factors are taken into account, it is very likely that your veneers will last for more than 20 years.

If you have further questions about our veneers and their durability, watch this video. If you are interested in our veneers or if we can help you in any other way, please feel free to contact us.

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